Your Personal Prayer Messenger At The Western Wall

Order a prayer request today and one of our prayer agents will pray for you at the Western Wall for 40-days straight, rain or shine.

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Western Wall: The Doorway To Heaven

Millions on people from all over the world come to the Western Wall to pray for whatever they need. Can't get to the Western Wall? No problem. We can have someone pray for you whether its for health, financial success, marriage or whatever you need, not once or twice but for 40-days straight rain or shine. So click one "Order A Prayer Request" and take advantage of this great opportunity today!
Order A Prayer Request

Need Powerful Prayers? Are Your Prayers Being Answered? 

Where can you get Powerful Prayers for Corona Virus, peace, money or anything you need?
People from all walks of life and backgrounds have found inspiration and encouragement standing next to the Wailing Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem saying powerful prayers, which is adjacent to the Temple Mount. For years, individuals have poured their hearts out at this exact spot, saying prayers for peace, protection, Corona Virus or any other prayer. It happens to be the most famous location in the world that offers hope of having any prayer answered. It is worldly known that the most powerful prayers come from the Western Wall.

We understand that there are many reasons and challenges that may prevent you from visiting the Wailing Wall personally and for this reason, we have come up with a solution;

Our Western Wall Praying team will pair you with a prayer agent or messenger that will pray for you personally for 40 days straight. Whether it be prayers for peace, money, surgery, or a better job or any other prayer request you need. They will make the journey to the Western Wall and pray for you for 40 days whether it is in the pouring rain, scorching sun, bitter cold or any other uncomfortable conditions. This is a great way to appeal to God at the holiest place and can lead to having your prayers answered. The truth is, that each request is answered, it just may not be in the way that we envision it. This is not some kind of magic; its a special technique that has been used for centuries. Its not only about someone praying for you. It’s also about improving oneself. We help you through the process by taking upon yourself a good deed and praying as well during the 40 days. See “Your 40-day work“.

This is where world famous people from all religions have sought to and have opened their hearts to God. So don’t wait to start your journey to the doorway to heaven. Sign up today!and Take Your Prayers to Heaven.

Why Choose Our Prayer Service?
Powerful Prayers

Famous People At The Western Wall

prayers for peace

Pope Francis, Dalai lama and Barack Obama understanding prayers at the Wall.

Powerful prayers

Some people don’t need a prayer for money. But do need other prayers.

Peace prayers

Red Hot Chili Peppers, Naomi Watts and Russel Simmons.

Don’t wait. Now your powerful prayers can be offered up at this Holy place.
Be the next one to have your personal prayers  at the Western Wall through this great powerful tradition.


Some Powerful Prayers for Peace.


Prayers for Peace From Inside

Oh My Lord, sometimes my insides feel like a war zone, where missiles are landing too close to home. There are other times I’m caught in a huge endless storm, with my thoughts flying out of control. Confusion takes over, and defeat starts to creep in to steal my happiness. I need your peace—the deep-in-your-heart kind that sits with me day and night and speaks confidently directly into the wind. Calm my anxious soul, My Lord; the attacking words of “if-onlys” and “what-ifs” always fill me with needless worry.

Trust is a huge part of experiencing peace and negative fear has no place in my life. Many of the things that I worry about or even dread don’t really happen. So I’m declaring my full trust in you My Lord. I am now releasing the reins of my life again and letting you take control. I might need to pray this same prayer on a daily basis, but I’m tired of the crazy life that leaves my schedule and my thoughts without any limits. I need a lot more of you, My Lord, and less of me.

I surrender and I admit: I can not control people, their plans, or even my circumstances, but I know I can yield those things to you, and focus only on your goodness. Thank you for today and for every good gift you’ve given to me, every blessing you have sent to me, all your forgiveness that I did not deserve, and, yes, for all the trials you’ve allowed into my life. You always bring the best out of every circumstance if I’ll only let go and see it with belief. I know when I am praying and give you thanks instead of worrying, you have promised that I can experience the kind of peace that everyone is looking for. That’s your kind of peace, My Lord. And it’s the kind of peace I crave.

Whenever I am stressed, anxious, or even afraid, please help me remember to always run to you. You’re the only one that can calm all of my fears and end all my fretful behaviors. Whether in simple or complicated matters, I know that you will not only give me real peace; Lord, YOU, will be my peace. And when I get close to you—in prayer, in reading your holy Words, in helping others, in taking my mind off myself—you will always be there for me, up close and personal.

I cannot handle these times all alone, Lord. Will you speak peace in my life and calm my every storm, or grab a hold of my hand while we walk through them together? Will you bring the reassuring wisdom of those who have gone through similar times into my life? Thank you, Lord. I’m trusting only in you.

In the name of the One who created the universe, heaven and earth, Amen


Powerful Prayers for Peace in a few lines

My Lord, I come before you today ready to pour out all my worries, anxieties and fears. I am claiming and declaring Your guarantees for blessings of peace and strength in my life. Bring a peace into my soul that passes all worldly understanding and help me make be a light for others to see Your great strength.


Prayers for Peace of Mind

Almighty God, We bless you for everything in our lives, we give you praise for your tremendous mercy and grace yo give us. We thankful for your faithfulness even though we aren’t that faithful to you. My Lord, we ask you to provide us real peace in our mind, body, soul and spirit. We ask that you to heal and remove everything that is causing us stress, grief, and sorrow in our lives.

Please guide us through life and make all our enemies be at peace with us. Please let your peace reign in our family, our places of work, our businesses and everything we put our hands on.

Lord, please let your angels of peace go ahead of us when we are out and be by our side when we return. In the name of God, Amen.
