Prayer for Guidance

Prayer for Guidance

When human beings are faced with challenges beyond human understanding, it is normal for them to always turn to a supernatural power called God. Prayer is a way of communing with this supernatural power in trying to seek for whatever difficult situation you are faced with. Whatever beliefs you may have or whatever thing you refer to as  God, prayer is always such a powerful tool. As long as you have enough faith in  God, you will probably get a solution for whatever you are asking for not always in the way that you imagined it or wanted it.. For instance if you are seeking prayers for guidance what you need to do is communicate your request to your God and believe that your prayers have been heard. Prayers can be done individually or you can as well ask other people to pray for you. Having someone pray for you at the western wall is very powerful. Many celebrities made this trip to the Western Wall to pray there.

Importance of Faith while praying for Guidance

They say that prayers can move mountains. As much as this saying is true, without faith in God or something, this saying will just remain a saying. For your prayers to be heard, you need to have enough faith in your God. Some people define faith as a substance of things hoped for. This therefore means that you have to believe in things that you have not yet seen or experienced. You should not show any signs of doubt if you actually want your prayers to be answered. Many people who have acted on the basis of faith have confessed to have achieved a lot in their lives. If you are praying for guidance for instance, you should believe with all your heart that God will hear your prayers and guide you in whatever direction you is good for you. Sometimes God will help you with your problem but in a different way than you actually thought.

God Listens to His Creation

Research has shown that people who are religious live stress-free lives compared to those who are non-religious. Majority of people who pray confess that after praying they received what they were asking for from God. Although sometimes it may take a little time, but eventually your prayers will be answered. God also knows the right time to answer your prayers. Not always is any time the right time to have your prayer answered. The problem is some people become too impatient in the process and lose hope. If you are making a prayer for guidance, just pray and believe that God will guide you. Don’t feel any speck of doubt because the more faith you have the closer you are with God.. If you start doubting, then that will lessen your faith. In a nutshell, God loves his creation and he always wants the best for them. If you therefore offer a sincere and faithful prayer, then you will definitely receive your answer.

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