The Wailing Wall’s Tumultuous History-Part II

Wailing Wall

All was not lost for the Christian and Jewish brothers as later in 1517 the Ottorman Turks conquered the city under the Moslem rule.  This was also in itself a very difficult and trying time for the Jewish and Christian brothers who considered this their home.  The Turks rule in itself was quite ruthless but despite that hope never dwindled for a people who knew that one day they will be back to their place.  In 1538 the current wall around Jerusalem was built by the Magnificent – Suleiman.  All was not lost and later in 1917 after several years of oppression, the British took complete control of the city.

A lot has taken place and Moslems over the years used the remaining part of the wall as a rubbish pit to help push the remaining Jews away.  This was done to humiliate the Christians who overtime have considered Jerusalem their holy city and still hope and yearn to have the temple restored to its glory.    Because of the rubbish pit, the wall was completely hidden away from the public eye.  The wall was concealed and even the Jews had no access to it for years.  This was one of the hardest times for the Jews and despite the tribulations, they continued praying.


For 1000 years all looked impossible, gloom and useless.  The walls image and photos were dearly held and passed through generations in many of the surviving Jewish homes.  A lot took place then, and even after the British conquering the city, they never fully understood the historical attachment of the Jews to the wall.  For 19 or so years, they never made any move to restore it to its original state.


Later in 1967, Israeli paratroopers broke even after an extensive 6 days war and accessed the Wailing wall giving Jews something to rejoice about after many years of tears and turmoil along the way.  It was then that the Wall and the region became liberated.  It was a painful occasion for the Jewish and despite the fact that all this took place, they were glad that once again, history had been restored. Till today the Jews are waiting for the third Temple to be built. We see so many nations on a daily basis coming to this place to pray for what ever they need.  To read more and understand this history and how prayers work please check out our website regularly.

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